Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Haven't Blogged In Years....at least 3!

I am really enjoying our RAISSE class and the strategies from the text. Our leader is doing a great job of demonstrating the strategies to our class of "seasoned and sometimes reluctant" learners. I was surprised how many of these same strategies were taught by our guest speaker at the in-service sessions on October 26th. (Gretchen Goodman @ LHS)


McAbee said...

Blogging is brand new to me as well. I really don't know if I look forward to it or not.

cgeiger said...

We finished our rotation at LMCEC today. Tomorrow I am going to reread a section of Everything I learned in Life.....I Learned in Long Term Care and get the students to write a reflection of their experiences these past 4 weeks.

Libby said...

Sharie, Glad to see that you've been blogging. Good for you girl. I am excited to hear about the things you've been doing in your classroom; your students are always bragging about you!! I also ordered some books about germs and diseases for the science book carts that might actually be good for you too, so come by and check them out (literally if you would like) soon. :)

Panther1 said...

Blogging is new to me as well. I don't know if I will enjoy it.