Friday, February 15, 2008


I just want to let all of you RAISSERs out there know how extremely impressed I am with all of the activities you are trying. I have truly been atonished at the amount of strategies being used at both Gilbert and Pelion. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!


C. Watts said...

I have really learned a lot working with project RAISSE! Some great new strategies, and different techniques. One of the best parts has been practicing what we learn with our collagues, as well as all the collaboration.

broebuck said...

Let's don't forget our awesome group leaders. I appreciate all the hard work they have put into Project RAISSE. They have been great sources of inspiration and encouragement throughout this process. They have been very supportive in trying to find materials and strategies that I could use in Math. Go TEAM!

kam said...

Absolutely, wise and wonderful group leaders have certainly had to take me by the hand through this process. As a math teacher, my literacy work has been page so and so and write a summary, or research so and so and write a short essay on your conclusions. This has been a true eye-opening to me.

Panther1 said...

Thanks with providing us with strategies we may not have heard before. I too have also learned a great deal. I have enjoyed working with colleagues I may not have previously worked with on projects.