Thursday, February 7, 2008

Telling a Story by Making a Music Video

In my Broadcast Production classs, students learn how to tell a story by producing a Music Video. I like to have them use "Oldies"
making because the lyrics are descriptive and benign. When I play the song for the first time, they think it's too old and not hip, but once they get into the process and story telling they have a lot of fun with it. Surprisingly, some of their favorite videos are these "oldies". I'll put some up at for you to view. I like "Charlie Brown"...that's me playing the grumpy teacher. Also, "Hey, Mickey"and some others. Bookmark the site page and over time I'll put some more up. We have a few almost "in the can".

Give me until about 12 pm today to get the page uploaded.




McAbee said...

I like the Charlie Brown one as well.

egreen said...

Have you ever thought about having them try to do something along the same lines with their favorite children's book or short story or poem?

McAbee said...

Now that is an idea Erin.