Thursday, February 7, 2008

Twice Told

I just processed a really cool book that I think would be interesting to use in a class. The title is Twice Told: Original Stories Inspired by Original Art. Scott Hunt, the artist, says in his introductory note:
"So I did a series of nine drawings, using a visual vocabulary of clues to suggest stories - stories that the viewers have to discover for themselves. And then we gave each of the drawings to a different pair of authors and asked each of them to write a story based on what they imagined was going on in the picture. The following collection is the delightfully surprising result.:

The authors of the short stories include YA authors Sarah Dessen, Ellen Wittlinger, William Sleator, Nancy Werlin, Alex Flinn, etc. It would be very interesting to read both stories inspired by the art, and then have the students use the "Written Conversation" strategy for either or both stories.

Is there anyone who would like to partner with me in this endeavor?

1 comment:

D. Spears said...

Sounds interesting. I've always found the idea of writing a story based on a piece of art interesting. I've even had my students do it in the past a few times. I'd be willing to try this out with you. I'd be interested to see how my English I and English III kids differ in their responses. Let's try this out.