Thursday, March 27, 2008

Meiosis Flip Card Book

My students were asked to read about crossing over during meiosis. They were then asked to take notes on a two column note sheet. On the left side of this sheet the phases of meiosis were listed, on the right side a description of each phase was written. Each student was given eight large index cards and asked to accurately draw and label each phases of meiosis. They were then given four different colors of yarn and asked to model crossing over on their prophase I stage of meiosis. The pieces of chromosome that crossed over during Prophase I had to be displayed at each stage of meiosis as they moved from meiosis I to meiosis II. When the flip books were finished each student used the cards to explain the process of meiosis to a classmate. The students then turned the two column note sheet over and wrote an analysis and conclusion to the activity. In this write up they were asked to discuss the results of the first and second meiotic division, how meiosis explains Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment, and how this process increases genetic variation. The students liked this activity and their conclusions show a greater understanding of meiosis and genetic variation. I will use this activity again.

1 comment:

Herb Bocchino said...

I'm doing something similar now that we're on meiosis. One thing they really like is to watch videos of these processes in action. The videos along with the projects I think really helps them to visualize what is going on and make a better connection so that they remember it when test time comes.