Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Trying to appreciate enthusiasm

It's that time of year again. You know what time. That's right. Spring Break is approaching, the school year seems to be dragging and summer is a long way away. I keep hearing it as I go through the hallways, "spring break will never get here;" "we've got two months left after spring break; how will we survive?" "It's a long time until summer." Now, you might think the students are saying this, and I'm sure they are; but I've been hearing this from teachers. Every single day. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little bit guilty of this. My wife and I are both teachers, so we're both feeling the crunch/drain. However, why is this? Instead of complaining and looking at the downside, I/we need to appreciate how much time we've got left. I have a pretty good bunch of kids this semester. Sure, my 3rd block is very, very, very, very, very talkative. However, instead of seeing this as a negative, I need to focus on the fact that they are just enthused. I'll ask a question, and six people want to answer at the same time. That's a good thing. I've got the slackers, of course, but I've got a bunch of hard workers. Let's take a moment to appreciate this and not complain. I had a group last semester that was HELL! Started with 19 (15 were repeaters), finished with 11 and no one failed the class--with very little help from me. I have very few repeaters, no discipline problems--except for talking--and everyone seems to enjoy the class. I should be sad the semester is coming to a close. It's hard, I know, but let's enjoy the kids we've got while we've got them. Even the one in the back that has to shout out the most ridiculously stupid thing that you've heard every semester for the past five years but he thinks is so original. Appreciate his unoriginality and copy-cattedness. It's not easy, but we're teachers. It's our job.

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