Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Socratic Seminar

This week two of my classes enjoyed the use of Socratic Seminar. It works well with smaller classes. They enjoyed the physical arrangement of the circle and seemed to feel more comfortable in presenting this way.

Marianne Haney


cmlotz said...

The Socratic Seminar is something
I have tried many times in the past. I've tried it both ways; one way with the smaller cirlce surrounded by the bigger, and also with the one big circle. I like the latter for a number of reasons. One, when there is a smaller circle and a larger cirle, the larger circle is expected to take notes on the comments of the groups in the smaller circle. Unfortunately, this is not a skill the Freshmen have mastered. The outer circle usually takes the opportunity to zone out and focus on anything other than what the smaller group is talking about. And, the ones in the larger group who are willing to participate do one of two things; they try to comment on the smaller groups ocmments, which is a no-no, or they look confused and say, "what am I suppose to write?" Another reason I like the one large circle is becaues it is a more relaxed feel and there is more opportunity for conversation. It's harder to get 8 people to talk than 16.

My tips for a successful Socratic Seminar is this:
1. Set ground rules from the beginning. Meaning, everyone must contribute to the conversation at least twice and noone can interrupt someone or talk while another person is talking.
2. Have every student write down three questions or comments they have about the readings. They can refer to this when there is a lag in the conversation.
3. It's best to start the conversation by posing a question yourself, just to get the ball rolling. I like to pose some sort of "controversial" question that will get a lot of comments. My favorite Socratic Seminars are those that turn into debates.

Angela Levan said...

I had never heard of this activity until it was introduce to me during the day. I do like the idea.

Thanks for sharing what will and will not work with freshman.

Generally speaking that is usually the grade level that I have in my classes. But it can range from 9th - 12th.