Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Story writing - Pass Along

My students have been learning to write in the past tense, in level 3 Spanish, and they just did an exciting activity that I wanted to share. Everyone would have a sheet of paper out and write the first line of a story: ex. Once upon a time there was..., In a galaxy far far away. Then, I would tell them to pass their story to the right. That person would write the second line of the story and so on. The students would have to read what the other person wrote, proofread it, and use their creativity to write the next line. After passing the story many times, the last person would read the story and draw a picture on a piece to describe the story. In the end, we would sit in a large circle and the original owner of the story would read their story out loud to everyone! This was great and the students were rolling on the ground laughing about the crazy things that people wrote. This kind of "tricks them" into learning. So many standards are met when doing this activity. I would definetly suggest other teachers doing this!


Sra. Allen said...

I, too, have used this activity before and like it. However, I would like to know what you have the students do once they have added their piece to the story. Do they have other work to do? Does each student start a story and then pass along to where there would be as many stories as there are students in the class? Any input would be much appreciated.

Mrs. Wills said...

I have used something like this in the past. However, you added several more parts with the drawing and eventual sharing by the original owner. I can not wait to try it again.

Yelena said...

I have played this game a lot when I was little. It was very popular in Russia in the late 80th... But the story had to develop step by step as every group member answers one question, covers his answer (folds it) and passes it to the right. The questions are: who, how old, when, does what, why, what happens next, etc... As people answer the questions they don't see what other people say and this is what makes it fun when the stories are read.