Friday, April 18, 2008

Bloging Reflection

After searching for the past 4 days for all of my blogs, I have realized that I have spent more time looking for blogs than I spent writting them. I could not find all 8 posts for the life of me. So here I am blogging to reflect on my blogging experience. Most teachers had great input and advice for each other and I hope that my blogging helped them somehow. There are many new and exciting things that I try everyday to make class exciting and refreshing. The best advice that I could give anyone is to start each period with a smile on your face and an upbeat attitude no matter what it is that you may be dealing with that day: stress, loss of sleep, etc. The students deserve to have a positive uplifting teacher everyday! Try to make this a priority. We deserve the same as teachers, but often don't receive this - so don't get your hopes up. Hope everyone enjoyed blogging as much as I did. Happy blogging futures for all.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Your smile has added a lot to our early morning study group sessions, that's for sure. :) As I was compiling my study-group-leader's notebook, I realized just how much you added to our discussions and how willingly you shared your "experiments" in the classroom. You are a real go-getter! Keep up the good work--and keep smiling! And using clip art!