Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I have read the book Mistaken Identity which is about the families of Laura Van Ryn and Whitney Cerak. Their story was just recently shared on NBC's Dateline. Since I teach Health Science this book lead to much discussion in the classroom. We discussed topics such as how a body is identified, head injuries, health care workers who were involved in Whitney's care, and many more. Whitney suffered severe head trauma from the wreck she was in. This was a great way to open the study of the nervuos system in my anatomy class.

1 comment:

Sharie Cato said...

Sounds like a great book, I will have to read it. I really was interested in the different topics you were able to pull from this book for group discussion. After the book reports are turned in for the Medical Reading project, I think that we will take a day to discuss all of the books. I am constantly hearing comments about the books in class. I think it would be real interesting to discuss them with hopes that it might encourage a few to pick up the books for "fun" reading.