Saturday, April 12, 2008

"Use Help, Please"

I am a technology teacher. The course is focused around Apple's Final Cut Pro, a professional video editing software application. It's a great program, but the learning curve is intense. Once you understand the process, if you can visualize it... you can make it happen. I give the students plenty of guided practice on how to navigate the interface and how to accomplish basic editing tasks.
I make a list of terms and questions whose answers can be found in Final Cut Pro's Help. Once I turn them loose to create their own video projects and they have "How To" questions, and there are many, I make them search for the answer in Help or Google. I believe that they have enough information to ask the right question using the terms and questions I have provided. Therefore, they should be able to discover the answer on their own.


cgeiger said...

Great job. We can not possibly teach our students all the information they need to know bbut if we can teach them how to find the information then we have done our jobs.

Mrs.H. said...

Okay, Don how did you end up with Apples and Final Cut Pro? That is an awesome program. I used it in a class I took at the Savannah School of Art and Design but was told that we could not have them at school. Was it part of a special grant or something?