Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I have to say rubrics are such a pain to create. If you are like me, it takes forever to get them just right any way. However, once you have a good rubric, they are wonderful tools to have. You can just simply change a word or two here or there from semester to semester. Rubrics really make grading a lot easier. I have also made a few rubics that come back to bite me. Once I made a rubric that really did not give students the clear understanding of a product that I was looking for. Students turned in some pretty rough looking projects, but I had to give them a grade based on the rubric. So it was a lesson well learned.


Libby said...

I have come to love Rubrics, but I must admit that took some time. As an English teacher, I liked having the flexibility to judge a work by its overall impact. But soon I realized my judgements were based on things that I had not adequately taught to my students. Now, by having the rubric before I make the assignment, I am forced to make sure that I teach them what I expect them to do. And, it gives me a chance to help them really focus on the things that have been problems repeatedly on assignments. I like what you said about "Once you get a good one, the rest are easier to make." That is so true. And once you get used to using rubrics, it becomes second nature. The students at our school always ask for rubrics now before they start working. That shows that they are starting to "think about what they are thinking." That is SUCH an improvement! They've gone from not thinking at all to "thinking about thinking." Wow! We must be doing something right. Now imagine if they start thinking about other things; how cool would that be?!?!?

Sharie Cato said...

I can not believe I am still blogging ~ I've already reached my 8 blogs...maybe I am now addicted. Have you tried the online rubric sites? You can adapt them to your own topics, requirements, etc. Look at the following sites: rubistar.4teachers.org / www.rubrics4teachers.com / www.teach-nology.com. I learned about these sites in my Intel class this semester. They seem pretty cool!