Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Project Raisse, life changing event ? hmmm...

I took this class expecting to learn lots of great new strategies and ideas, which I have in some aspects, but a lot of what I've learned, I was already doing in my classroom. So, this may not have been as life changing as I expected. However, the connections I made with my fellow teachers whom I do not see on a daily basis, or with whom I talk rarely, has made this entire experience more than worthwhile. I am planning on collaborating with teachers on cross-curricular units next year based on what we've discussed in our groups. For example, Mark McAbee and I follow nearly the same chronological process in our classes and we can make connections across the disciplines. I never get to speak with math teachers or science teachers about content, so this was refreshing and built a sense of fellowship. That has changed my professional life here at PHS, and I think that it will be harder for me to live in an "English Hall Vacuum" after this... and that is a good thing!

1 comment:

Libby said...

These are the same things we're hearing over at GHS too. The material was good, but the comaraderie was great! Some of the folks in my study groups met and talked for the first time ever. And we are small schools; imagine what this would do in a large school where people may not have even SEEN each other before.
The overall study-group concept is definitely one that is worth continuing and expanding. I am grateful that our administrators allowed us to use collaborative time to collaborate with people we might not have even thought about asking to work with us. I just hope this spirit of unity, which has already impacted our students so positively, will continue in the years to come.