Monday, April 14, 2008

This is torture!

I have sat here for hours trying to think of something to say. I have searched all of the Posts to find topics to which I can relate. Don't get me wrong. After reading all of the posts, it's obvious that you are all are very qualified teachers. For me, this is a grueling process. I teach technology. I am project oriented. Reading and writing is not easy. I am constantly questioning my choice of words, grammar, syntax, spelling (thank God for 'Spell Check"), and-on-and on. Are hyphens necessary? Does what I have written make sense? People can read what I have written! Yikes! I like things that are real. I don't like to B.S. However, I do have a feeling of accomplishment when I press "Publish Post". By the way, does the (.) go within or outside the quotation marks? Or is that "in or outside the quotes"? Help! Guard! Let me out!


vic said...

You crack me up!

Mrs. Wills said...

Hi. This post is from Wade Cooke. I am using Lisa's username/password because I was having password problems.

You are worried about periods, commas, and hyphens. I am having password problems! HELP!

Libby said...

I am not sure which one of you is the funniest. I think I vote for Wade. Did you use Lisa's password while she was on maternity leave?!?!?

By the way, "tortured," keep putting all punctuation (except for colons and semicolons) in those quotation marks--until they change that rule too. ha ha