Tuesday, April 8, 2008

PE Reading Exercise

For the last 7 chapters of our Looking Good Feeling Good Textbook, I decided to change up the way I had previously presented the material. The students were given a syllabus with a packet of assignments for the last 7 chapters. Each week we go to the classroom the students already have it outlined what is expected of them. The students can work ahead or stay with the day we are on. In addition to the packet, the students have a reading exercise and place on a worksheet (already made to them) the heading of each section and 3 facts they read about. After completing the activity and reading exercise the students were allowed to use their information on the test. The reading exercise was stapled to the back of the test for proof of completion and also to show how little or how much work was done in relation to their grade. This has worked quite well in the PE class.


Coach Gooding said...


Coach Gooding said...

I think this is a great way to get students to reatin the information better. It also should allow students to be aware of what will be discussed in the upcoming chapters.

Libby said...

S, I bet there are some good read-alouds and fiction books to accompany this text and to stimulate discussion about scenarios related to the subjects in your book. Send me a list of the topics of this text and I'll help you find some of those! Also, we might be able to create more jazzy-looking ways to record the chapter information you are having them record. Sometimes just the arrangement of the material on the page can foster their remembering it. Let me know if you want to get together on this!