Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dealing with repeaters

It's a new semester; and once again, we see the names we've seen before in our classes. The ones who failed us before, failed someone else, and are back in our classes. What do we do with these kids? You have two "experienced" members of your class and the rest are new. Ideally, we differentiate and give them seperate materials; but they have done everything by this point. They are bored; they aren't engaged; they have done all the stories, poems, novels, everything we've done in the past. What should we do with these? They lower the morale of the class, we beat ourselves up trying to help them, and it does not seem to do any good. Suggestions?


arahman said...

I wish that I had suggestions for you, but I'm dealing with the same situation and frustration myself. In fact, I have two students who just had me and failed due to absences 1st semester, and are back in my class again. I have some alternative novels, but these students struggle and do not typically do well with independent study assignments. I had thought of making them leaders in some capacity to promote class discussion and see if they can steer some group activities. Anyone with suggestions?

McAbee said...

My philosophy has always been to social promote.