Thursday, January 17, 2008

Walking the Walk

Happy New Year to all you bloggers!
With a new semester starting next week, I am making a commitment to read a book to each of my classes. I am reading A Dog's Life (The Autobiography of a Stray) by Ann M. Martin to my physical science classes. It is my hope that it will help students see animals as God's creatures...maybe make someone think twice before committing a cruel act on a stray. To my astronomy classes I am reading The Same Stuff as Stars by Katherine Patterson. It is a novel that incorporates astronomy into a story about a girl whose family is falling apart. I am hoping kids might connect with this one on more than one level, depending on the perspective of the student.
In the coming weeks I will let y'all know how the books are received. I hope the new semester is a good one for everyone.

1 comment:

MJeffcoat said...

sounds like a good plan. Hope that you have a good year. How long are you planning on reading to the class. Each day? Each Week?