Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"Great Gatsby"

At the end of 1st semester, I did our "Movie Activity" for Raisse. We had finished reading "The Great Gatsby" and discussing the colors that surround and are associated with each character in the novel. (white=purity, Daisy) Then I had the students watch the film and document how the characters and their colors are portrayed by the director of the film. Afterwards, they wrote a short comparison/contrast essay about the use of color in the novel vs. the film and why the director might have made any changes or editing choices. For example, at the end of the film, Daisy is seen in a black, rhinestoned dress and cap to show her fall from grace and purity. It worked out well and prepared them for the short answer questions on the final exam.


pwr said...

Your chosen activity required the students to focus on the movie and to process (think) about the representation of the clothes and the colors in specific scenes--good idea--thanks for sharing. pwr

vic said...

Great activity. I'm struggling with the movie idea, but I'm getting there. I love dissecting imagery like that. MAybe I can use this concept with my students. We have just finished The Miracle Worker and have been discussing the symbolism of keys in the play. I suppose we could look for that in the film version. Another thought that just occurred to me is the lighting changes that were expressed in the stage directions. I could have the students look for that in the film. Thanks! You got me thinking!